Answered By: Sherre Harrington
Last Updated: Aug 18, 2021     Views: 232

  1. Be sure you are using the correct username & password on the Internal Campus Web Resources & Library Databases form. If the off-campus login box is pre-populated, check to be sure the information is correct. If you aren't sure about your username and/or password, you can try resetting your Active Directory credentials.
  2. Try a different browser. Chrome is sometimes particularly cranky about logging in to library resources.
  3. Try clearing your cookies, browsing history, cache, etc. Use your favorite search engine to find instructions for your browser.
  4. Try accessing a different resource (we often recommend JSTOR, linked below). If successful, re-try the problem resource. One authentication per web session is all that is necessary, so sometimes authenticating elsewhere will bypass whatever is causing the problem.

In any case, please report persistent problems to us so we can fix them!